Brochure: Discursos pronunciados en la Ceremonia de Investidura del Grado de Doctor "Honoris Causa" de los Excmos. Sres. D. Juan Cabrera y Felipe y D. Miguel Sancho Izquierdo, celebrada en el Aula Magna el día 28 de noviembre.

Documents containing “sortAuthor:"AA.VV" OR sortEditor:"AA.VV" OR sortSecondaryAuthor:"AA.VV" OR sortThesisDirector:"AA.VV" OR sortTranslator:"AA.VV" OR sortTertiaryAuthor:"AA.VV" OR sortSeriesAuthor:"AA.VV" OR sortTranslatedAuthor:"AA.VV"” in the text and the record. Sorted from older to newer.

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Brochure (13 pages)